Discover public records resources for Arapahoe County, CO.
View our public records resources for Arapahoe County, Colorado. Browse by resource type or use the search tool to more easily find what you are looking for.
Resource Types | Resource | About This Resource |
marriage records |
Search Arapahoe County recorded documents including property records, death records, marriage records, tax liens, and more by name, book and page, document type or date range. |
marriage records |
Obtain your marriage or civil union license in Arapahoe County, CO. Licenses are valid across Colorado, with no residency requirement for applicants. |
marriage records |
Obtain your marriage license in Arapahoe County, CO, and ensure all the significant milestones are legally recognized. Our Clerk and Recorder's office is dedicated to assisting with marriage and civil union licenses, as well as maintaining public records and documents. |
marriage records |
Obtain your marriage license and find all the necessary wedding details at the Arapahoe County Court in Littleton. Contact us at 3036496355 or visit 1790 W Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 for personalized assistance. |
marriage records |
Obtain your marriage license in Arapahoe County, CO with ease. No waiting period or blood test required, and the fee is only $30. Applicants must be 18 or older, or 16 with consent. |
marriage records |
Obtain your marriage or civil union license from the Clerk's Office in any Colorado county, including Arapahoe. Visit most DMV locations in Arapahoe County for licensing services. |
marriage records |
Discover how to obtain marriage records from Arapahoe County, Colorado. The Clerk and Recorder's Office ensures the preservation and accessibility of marriage licenses and other public documents. |
marriage records |
Find and verify marriage records in Arapahoe County, Colorado with ease using the Clerk and Recorder's advanced search tools. Updated as of 12/21/2023. |
marriage records |
Explore a comprehensive collection of Arapahoe County, Colorado, marriage records for genealogical research and legal purposes. Access historical marriage data from Littleton, Colorado. |
marriage records |
Arapahoe County Genealogy & Family History Records - Colorado |
Explore your family history with our comprehensive guide on Arapahoe County, Colorado genealogy. Find vital records including birth, marriage, death, census, and military details to trace your ancestry. |
laws codes |
Search City of Aurora municipal code, enacted February 24, 2014, including enacted legislation not yet codified. |
laws codes |
View City of Centennial municipal code and city charter. |
laws codes |
View City of Littleton municipal code and city charter. |
tax records |
Search Arapahoe County personal or real property tax and assessment records by PIN, AIN or address, or pay property taxes online. |
tax records |
View City of Littleton maps including council district map, street map, and more. |
tax records |
Search Arapahoe County property sales records from 2009 to present by neighborhood code. |
tax records |
Arapahoe County Property Search - CO Real Estate Information |
Discover residential, commercial, agricultural, and vacant property details within Arapahoe County, Colorado, using the official online real estate search tool. |
tax records |
Explore Arapahoe County, CO property records, tax information, and real estate data through the official public records search portal. |
tax records |
Explore Arapahoe County's interactive GIS maps to check property details, verify addresses, view aerial imagery, and access ownership, sales, and tax information. |
tax records |
Search Arapahoe County, CO property records by name, document type, or number for real estate information and public records. |
tax records |
Discover comprehensive property details for residential, commercial, agricultural, and vacant land in Arapahoe County, Colorado. |
permits inspections |
Search City of Aurora building permit records including active projects, and online plan review. |
permits inspections |
Search City of Littleton permits by address or permit number, projects by address or project number or contractors by company or registration number. |
permits inspections |
Search Arapahoe County restaurant inspection scores by business name, address or city. |
permits inspections |
Explore a comprehensive range of licenses, permits, and approvals managed by Arapahoe County's Public Works and Development Department for land use and roadway projects in Colorado. |
permits inspections |
Explore building permits in Arapahoe County, CO. Verify property locations, register, and access vital permit information for construction and development. |
permits inspections |
Search and track the status of building permits in Arapahoe County, CO. Apply, pay securely, and schedule inspections for your construction projects online. |
permits inspections |
Explore Arapahoe County's permit services to ensure your construction projects meet safety standards. Search for permits, get inspections, and review plans for compliance. |
permits inspections |
Explore building records, permit applications, and various online services through the Arapahoe County Customer Portal. Secure login required for access. |
permits inspections |
Arapahoe County's Engineering Services Division ensures the safety and compliance of infrastructure through dedicated permitting and thorough inspections in Colorado. |
permits inspections |
Review the completed building inspections by Arapahoe County Public Works for November 14th, 2023, including permit details, addresses, types of inspections, inspection windows, and assigned inspectors. |
permits inspections |
Arapahoe County's official portal for residents to apply for building permits, make secure payments, and schedule inspections for construction and development projects. |
crime data |
View City of Aurora Police crime maps by incident type and date range. |
crime data |
View City of Littleton Police crime maps by event or date range. |
crime data |
View City of Littleton Police press releases by date from 2012 to present. |
crime data |
For Arapahoe County criminal records and court documents, refer to the Colorado Judicial Branch resources provided through the official Arapahoe County Government link below. |
crime data |
Find criminal records and case information for Arapahoe County, CO, at the Arapahoe County Justice Center in Centennial and the Courthouse in Littleton. |
crime data |
Arapahoe County Criminal Court Records | Colorado Judicial Branch |
Find and access Arapahoe County criminal court records in Colorado. Stay informed with up-to-date docket information for legal cases and proceedings. |
crime data |
Explore Arapahoe County's criminal records and court documents for details on child support orders and other legal proceedings in Colorado. |
crime data |
Arapahoe County Criminal Records Access | Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office |
Explore Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office records and payment services for criminal justice records, available 24/7 for public access and requests. |
crime data |
File a police report instantly in Arapahoe County with the Online Police Reporting System. Submit your report and print a free initial copy directly from your home. |
crime data |
File a police report online with the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office using the Citizen Online Police Reporting System for a convenient and efficient reporting process. |
crime data |
File a non-emergency police report in Arapahoe County, CO, using our convenient online system. For emergencies, dial 911. Access public records and more. |
crime data |
File an Arapahoe County police report online in Colorado for traffic accidents. These reports are archived for documentation and are not actively investigated. |
crime data |
Explore criminal case records in Arapahoe County, CO. Access the latest docket information for trials in the 1st and 2nd Judicial Districts. |
crime data |
Search for criminal case information and court trial schedules in Arapahoe County, CO. Stay informed with the latest updates from the Arapahoe County Justice Center. |
crime data |
Need help finding an inmate's charges and bond information in Arapahoe County, Colorado? Call our Automated Information Center at 720-874-3500 for personal assistance. |
crime data |
Arapahoe County, Colorado - Comprehensive Public Records Search |
Explore a comprehensive database of Arapahoe County, Colorado records. Access arrest, court, criminal, and public records, along with divorce, phone, address, bankruptcy, sex offender, and property information for thorough research. |
crime data |
Explore public records in Arapahoe County, Colorado. Access court, inmate, and arrest records, along with criminal histories that are publicly available through government resources. |
court records |
Links to state and local court records, general Colorado court information, directory of courts, and online resources for courts in Colorado. |
court records |
Directory of court locations in Arapahoe County, Colorado. Includes local links to searching court records, dockets, legal research, self help, and more. |
court records |
Arapahoe County Clerk and Recorder - Property Records Search |
Explore Arapahoe County's public records and documents, including real estate records, military discharges, and marriage certificates. Our team is here to help with your property search needs. |
court records |
Explore real estate records and access comprehensive property information in Arapahoe County, CO with the County Clerk and Recorder's official search portal. Verified data up to 12/17/2023. |
court records |
Explore a comprehensive database of property records in Arapahoe County, CO, including residential, commercial, agricultural, and vacant land details. |
court records |
Explore Arapahoe County's official records for property information, tax details, and more with the Clerk and Recorder's online property search tool. |
court records |
Arapahoe County Property Search - Clerk and Recorder's Office |
Discover comprehensive property details in Arapahoe County, Colorado with the official Clerk and Recorder's online parcel search tool. |
court records |
Arapahoe County Clerk and Recorder's Office - Document Recording Services |
Explore public documents, access marriage license services, and ensure the preservation of vital records with the Arapahoe County Clerk and Recorder's Recording Division. |
court records |
Arapahoe County Document Search - Clerk and Recorder's Office |
Explore and access a wide range of public records, including document searches and purchases, with the Arapahoe County Clerk and Recorder's efficient online services. |
court records |
Explore Arapahoe County's Clerk and Recorder's records for documents from Feb 1, 1996, to present. Access property records, election information, and more. |
business licenses |
View City of Littleton information about business licenses including business license application. |
death records |
Aurora Police Memorial in Arapahoe county, Colorado: Explore burial records, discover memorials, view photos, and find directions on Find A Grave. |
genealogy records |
Search Arapahoe Library District resources including genealogy records. A valid library card is required in order to access certain resources. |
contractor licenses |
View City of Littleton information about contractor licenses including licensed contractor search. |
foreclosure records |
View City of Little information about mortgage foreclosures including link to County foreclosure property search. |
foreclosure records |
Search Arapahoe County foreclosed property records by foreclosure number, borrower name, address, sold date range or scheduled sale date range. |
voter election records |
View Arapahone County voter and election information including polling locations and election results. |
traffic camera reports |
Search and order City of Aurora Police accident reports online. |
gis records |
View City of Aurora GIS maps including bike trails, zoning, political boundaries, aerial photos, and other map layers. |
gis records |
Search and map Colorado sex offenders by address, city, county or zip code. |
census records |
Arapahoe County statistics for population, ethnicity, housing, geography and businesses. From the U.S. Census Bureau. |
bids |
View Arapahoe County bid opportunities including free registration for real-time notifications. |
inmate records |
Search Colorado jail and inmate records through Vinelink by name or offender id. |
inmate records |
Search Colorado Department of Corrections inmate locator system by name. |
sex offender records |
View City of Littleton Police sex offender registry by address proximity or name. |
employment records |
View City of Little department phone and email directory. |
vehicle records |
View all of the latest information around filing a motor vehicle records request in Arapahoe County, CO. |
government jobs |
View City of Aurora government job openings by category and apply online. |
government jobs |
View City of Littleton government job openings by category and apply online. |
government jobs |
Search Arapahoe County government job openings by keyword or employment type and apply online. |
The information provided on this website about U.S. States, Counties, and Cities, is compiled from publicly available sources and is made available “as is” for informational purposes only. No representations, warranties or guarantees are made as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, currentness, completeness, suitability or applicability of the information contained on this website for any particular purpose. All 3rd party trademarks are for reference purposes only. powered by Intelius is a privately owned website and is not a direct source of government records or services and not affiliated with any government agency.
View public offices in Arapahoe County, Colorado. These offices may have additional information that is not yet available online. To obtain records from these offices, you may need to contact the office to file an official request. Each office has its own procedures, requirements, and fees associated with obtaining records. Contacting an office directly may allow you access to unpublished records in Arapahoe County, Colorado.
Office Type | Image | Office | Address | Contact Information |
permits inspections | 5334 S. Prince Street, Littleton, CO 80120-1136 | (303)-795-4600 | ||
court records | 950 South Birch Street Glendale, CO 80246 | (303)-639-4610 | ||
birth records | 5334 South Prince Street Littleton, Colorado, 80120 | (303)-795-4520 | ||
birth records | 5334 S Prince St, Littleton, CO 80120 | (303)-795-4200 | ||
laws codes | 6450 S Revere Pkwy, Centennial, CO 80111 | (720)-874-8500 | ||
laws codes | 13101 E Broncos Pkwy, Centennial, CO 80112 | (303)-795-4711 | ||
laws codes | 5334 S Prince St, Littleton, CO 80120 | (303)-795-4200 | ||
laws codes | 7375 S Potomac St, Centennial, CO 80112 | (720)-874-3500 | ||
land records | 2255 West Berry Ave., Littleton, CO 80120 | (303)-795-3780 | ||
inmate records | 2255 West Berry Ave., Littleton, CO 80120 | (303)-794-1551 | ||
employment records | 5334 S Prince St, Littleton, CO 80120 | (303)-795-4482 | ||
bar associations | 6060 Greenwood Plaza Blvd #200, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 | (303)-797-2227 | ||
vehicle records | 6954 S Lima St, Centennial, CO 80112 | (303)-795-4500 |
The information provided on this website about U.S. States, Counties, and Cities, is compiled from publicly available sources and is made available “as is” for informational purposes only. No representations, warranties or guarantees are made as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, currentness, completeness, suitability or applicability of the information contained on this website for any particular purpose. All 3rd party trademarks are for reference purposes only. powered by Intelius is a privately owned website and is not a direct source of government records or services and not affiliated with any government agency.
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Compiled by: Chris E. | Reviewed by: Blake A. | Last update: 03/13/24
Colorado has a variety of public records that are accessible to anyone. These records encompass a wide range of data allowing individuals to review information online. Documents can include birth certificates, death records, marriage licenses, divorce records, business licenses, land records, and other important information. We compile our resource lists from reliable government agencies to ensure ease in your search.
If you're looking for... (
While the number of homeless people continues to rise, Arapahoe County is taking a new approach to helping people get off the streets. (
High school... (
If your plans today... (
Arapahoe County is accepting nominations for an awards program that recognizes teenagers for their resiliency. The Arapahoe County Mayors... (
While the number of homeless people continues to rise, Arapahoe County is taking a new approach to helping people get off the streets. (
Is there high school... (
High school... (
If you're looking for... (
High school... (
Today, there's high... (
The Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office says a driver is being treated for injuries after crashing into the front of a Mexican restaurant while... (
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The information provided on this website about U.S. States, Counties, and Cities, is compiled from publicly available sources and is made available “as is” for informational purposes only. No representations, warranties or guarantees are made as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, currentness, completeness, suitability or applicability of the information contained on this website for any particular purpose. All 3rd party trademarks are for reference purposes only. powered by Intelius is a privately owned website and is not a direct source of government records or services and not affiliated with any government agency.
No duplicate counties found.
This site contains REAL public records data including criminal records, background reports, photos, court documents, address information, phone numbers, civil judgments, properties owned, social media profiles, and much more. powered by Intelius does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. We provide information (criminal record, address, phone number, property, civil judgment, and more) that can be used to satisfy your curiosity, protect your family, and find the truth about people in your life. To use our site you must certify below that you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use and will NOT use our site or the information we provide: